Our Mission


International Sports Council is dedicated to establishing the ISC Headquarters in the United States, but our success depends on the support we receive from Governments, Private entities, and the Public.

NSCs to represent the National Athletes: We aim NSCs to represent their teams in our ISC events so that NSC have an International Sports platform to discuss and share the ideas for humanity through sport without race, colors, language and other barriers.

International Sports Court of Arbitration (ISC-A):We aim to establish the “International Sports Court” in the United States/Canada.

Office Suite for the ISFs in the ISC Headquarter in the USA: We aim to establish the member ISF Office Suite in our ISC World Headquarter where the ISFs may depute/assign the representatives of their ISF’s President, Secretary General, and 2 Officials (1 Male & 1 Female Coach) in their suite which can develop not only their ISF official activities, sports activities but can directly deal with US Sponsors because every year millions of sports $$ are donated to others for your ISF/sport and your ISF gets only a little share of this. Our Immigration Attorney Mr. Sherrod, specialized in “O” & “P” Sports related Visas will review your delegates. 1st priority will be given to the Americans and after than will be foreign nationals.

Modern Sports Facility: Your ISF coaches/officials may conduct the International Coaching Camps and other Seminars/Clinics in our facility and possibly your International Competitions as well.


At ISC, we firmly believe that support comes in many shapes and sizes. While financial contributions are essential for our growth, there are several other ways you can make a meaningful impact.
Monetary: The International Sports Council is undertaking a significant initiative to construct the World Sports Headquarters in the United States, requiring substantial funding in the range of hundreds of millions of dollars. We appeal to philanthropists, stakeholders, sports enthusiasts, sponsors, businesses, and individuals to support the realization of our ISC World Sports HQ. This facility will accommodate office suites for all member International Sports Federations (ISFs), feature multiple meetings and conference halls, and include multi-sport facilities for both training and competitions. Your contribution will mark a monumental milestone with lasting impact, resonating throughout the global sports community for generations to come.

Advocacy: Become a champion for ISC and sports diplomacy in your community and network. Raise awareness of the importance of building positive relationships through sports. Partnerships: Join hands with the ISC to create collaborative initiatives that benefit the sports community both locally and globally.

Volunteering: Offer your time and expertise to support the ISC events and programs. Volunteering is a powerful way to be actively involved in fostering positive change.

Spread the Word: Share our mission and vision with your friends, family, and colleagues. The more people know about ISC, the greater our collective impact will be.

Empowering National Sports Governance Worldwide

The International Sports Council is more than an organization; it is a movement of empowerment for the National Sports Councils, National Sports Authorities, National Sports Commissions, and Ministries of Sports. Our mission is to create a world where sports governance is unshackled from political interference and enabled to thrive on the global stage.