Why ISC ?

Why ISC ?

In an era where international platforms for national governments have multiplied, the necessity of the International Sports Council (ISC) becomes increasingly evident. While platforms like G-4, G-7, G-20, NATO, BRICS and others serve as forums for governmental dialogue, it’s crucial not to underestimate the significance of the sports sector. With the global population expanding and youth seeking positive outlets for their energy and creativity, sports emerge as a powerful avenue for fostering unity, peace, and mutual understanding. In a world fraught with geopolitical tensions and the looming threat of conflicts, the role of sports and cultural activities in promoting humanity and brotherhood cannot be overstated. Recognizing the limitations of relying solely on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to address the diverse needs of sports, especially non-Olympic disciplines, the involvement of National Sports Councils (NSCs) becomes imperative. These councils hold the potential to spearhead a new era of human-centric sports governance, leveraging the unifying power of sports to steer humanity towards a brighter, more peaceful future. In essence, the establishment and empowerment of the ISC represents a vital step towards harnessing the transformative potential of sports in building a more harmonious global community.

The establishment of the International Sports Council (ISC) addresses a critical need within the global sports community. With billions of athletes worldwide, it is essential to ensure that all athletes receive equitable attention and support regardless of the sports they participate in. However, the reality is that many athletes engaged in non-Olympic sports often find themselves marginalized, lacking adequate recognition and resources.

At the core of this issue lies the structure of the sports governance system. While National Olympic Committees (NOCs) diligently serve Olympic sports, there remains a gap in representation and support for non-Olympic or regional sports. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) acts as an umbrella organization for NOCs, providing an international platform primarily focused on Olympic sports. Consequently, non-Olympic sports federations, or International Sports Federations (ISFs), struggle to access the necessary resources and recognition.

Moreover, the distribution of sports funds predominantly favors Olympic sports, leaving many ISFs without adequate financial support to develop their respective sports. This disparity underscores the urgent need for an inclusive platform that transcends Olympic and non-Olympic distinctions.

The ISC serves as a solution to these challenges by providing a unified platform for National Sports Councils across various countries. Whether designated as National Sports Commissions, Authorities, Ministries, or Agencies, these entities represent the interests of sports at a national level. By bringing together these stakeholders, the ISC facilitates collaboration and resource-sharing to support the development of all sports, irrespective of their Olympic status.

Securing membership within the IOC is a formidable task for non-Olympic ISFs, often hindered by numerous obstacles, including limited access to information and cooperation, particularly outside of Europe. The ISC recognizes these challenges and aims to bridge the gap by offering assistance and support to ISFs worldwide. Through its inclusive approach, the ISC champions the development of all sports, promoting diversity and equality within the global sports landscape.
In conclusion, the establishment of the International Sports Council (ISC) signifies a pivotal moment in sports governance, ushering in an era of inclusivity and support for all athletes and sports federations. By fostering collaboration and providing a platform without discrimination of Olympic or non-Olympic sports, the ISC embodies the principles of fairness, respect, and opportunity, ensuring that every athlete has the chance to thrive on the international stage.