
At the International Sports Council, we are proud to be a Canadian Non-Profit Organization since 2015, fueled by a passion for promoting sports and fostering positive global connections. Our commitment to transparency and efficiency has been Funded and Recognized by the Government of Manitoba, Canada, and in 2023, we have earned major recognition from the United States Government under IRC Code 501(c)3 Status 509(a)(2) as a Charity. We are qualified to receive tax deductible donations, bequests, devises, transfer or gifts, accept grants from Government bodies, Businesses, and Individuals, who will receive tax credits for their contributions, making their support even more meaningful.

Breaking Barriers to the Sports Governance

In the world of sports governance, the National Sports Councils, National Sports Authorities, National Sports Commissions, and Ministries of Sports hold a crucial role as the Supreme Sports Agencies in their respective countries. They are responsible for supporting and financially backing their National Olympic Committees (NOC) and National Sports Federations (NSF). However, in many instances, these supreme authorities face challenges such as political interference and lack of international representation for their interests in global tournaments and the Olympic Games.

Empowering National Sports Councils on the Global Stage

At ISC, we recognize the need for an International Platform where the National Sports Councils can come together, share ideas, and build strong relationships with officials from other countries. We aim to fill this void and serve as an umbrella organization for all the National Sports Councils, National Sports Authorities, National Sports Commissions, and Ministries of Sports.

Unlocking Opportunities for Progress

We are dedicated to establishing the ISC Headquarters in the United States, but our success depends on the support we receive from Governments, Private entities, and the Public. Your support is invaluable, and it can take various forms beyond monetary contributions.

Supporting Beyond Financial Means

At ISC, we firmly believe that support comes in many shapes and sizes. While financial contributions are essential for our growth, there are several other ways you can make a meaningful impact:

Advocacy: Become a champion for ISC and sports diplomacy in your community and network. Raise awareness of the importance of building positive relationships through sports.

Partnerships: Join hands with ISC to create collaborative initiatives that benefit the sports community both locally and globally.

Volunteering: Offer your time and expertise to support ISC events and programs. Volunteering is a powerful way to be actively involved in fostering positive change.

Spread the Word: Share our mission and vision with your friends, family, and colleagues. The more people know about ISC, the greater our collective impact will be.

Empowering National Sports Governance Worldwide

The International Sports Council is more than an organization; it is a movement of empowerment for the National Sports Councils, National Sports Authorities, National Sports Commissions, and Ministries of Sports. Our mission is to create a world where sports governance is unshackled from political interference and enabled to thrive on the global stage.


Together, we will redefine sports governance, empowering National Sports Councils worldwide to take center stage in promoting sports excellence and fostering cultural exchange. Your support is the driving force behind this transformative journey.